ATHENA is a web-based desktop application with a companioning tablet app designed to increase General Motor’s ability to track the progress of vehicles as they move through the meticulous durability testing process. With varying user types, complex rules, and hundreds of unique situations, this application proved to be wildly successful and an exciting design challenge.



At General Motors, we are known for rigorously testing our vehicles down to the individual part or component. Much of the testing happens at one of our 3 proving grounds around the world where these vehicles are put to the test for 6-9months, simulating up to 10 years of severe wear and tear. Exposing these vehicles to extreme conditions day-in day-out allows us to see how each part is affected in a variety of conditions so we can produce the highest quality product for our customers. Tracking these vehicles along their journey has historically been a very manual, paper intensive process. Using the current system, data is frequently lost and there is no way to mine the data for trends over time.



Our mission was to create a system of products that fits seamlessly into this complicated durability process. With many of our users set in their ways, strongly against moving to the digital age, we were dedicated to creating a simple and familiar application that increases efficiency and communication between all user types. Digitizing this process will allow for data mining, surfacing trends and patterns so issues can be caught sooner, helping GM proactively diagnose and prevent costly vehicle recalls.


I conducted extensive user research, interviewing over 15 drivers, 13 Test Engineers, 2 Garage Technicians, and 4 Group Leaders over the course of 6 months. I rode in the test vehicles every other day putting myself in the driver’s shoes to fully understand their day-to-day process. I wanted to live and breathe how the drivers interacted with their books of vehicle information and how they might safely interact with a tablet in the vehicle. I conducted empathy interviews, card sorting exercises and usability tests to understand issues with the current process and what information the users found important. Some of our users are colorblind, so I chose colors with the greatest contrast to design for proper accessibility. I also found that the screen brightness from our light colored interface was too bright for users driving at night so we developed a “Night Mode” that decreases the time driver’s eyes have to adjust after interacting with the tablet.


The overall design was based off of the paper sheets the drivers were currently using to complete their daily tasks to provide a familiar experience. I started with sketches, collecting groups of relevant information together, giving the app a structure that was simple and easy to understand. I moved my sketches to wireframes, allowing me to enter in actual information, adjusting scale and colors. I finally built interactive prototypes from the wireframes and began conducting usability tests to see if my designs made sense to the end users. I would then iterate and repeat as necessary.


Web App


The web application is used Test Engineers, Group Leaders and Garage Technicians.

  • Test Engineers track their vehicles throughout the entire durability process, overseeing every issue logged, every part replaced and every mile driven.

  • Group Leaders are able to manage the vehicle-driver assignments, making sure that the qualified drivers are assigned to the correct vehicle. They keep everyone in line, make sure the vehicles finish on time and the drivers are working at their fullest potential.

  • Garage Technicians fix any of the issues logged by the drivers. For severe issues, the vehicle is taken to the garage to be diagnosed and fixed by the Garage Tech. The Tech logs the issue in the system and the vehicle is re-assigned so that it can continue testing.

Driver Tablet


The Tablet App is used by the Durability Drivers.



Increase in driver productivity

+$2 mm/year

Saved in time savings alone by the increase in overall process efficiency.

~ $??? million

Countless millions saved in recalls prevented by locating and diagnosing faulty parts quickly and more efficiently.

Mine-able Data

Data is now able to be mined for trends. Supplier quality can be more easily tracked over time. We can track overall performance and efficiency of every new vehicle and driver added to the system allowing for proper benchmarking.



  • Add more dropdown and quick input selections.

  • Create more areas where we can automatically pull in repetitive data for the driver. 

  • Connect tablet to vehicle to automatically pull in immediate vehicle data, sending the data directly to the Test Engineer and Garage Technician.

  • Test events open and close regularly based on weather conditions and more. We can recognize what test events are open to more accurately provide drivers with live course information. 

Web App

  • More detailed insights into vehicle issues. 

  • Track vehicles live on a map. 

  • Add chat feature with individual driver.